Not a whole lot, other than failing at NaBloPoMo. Recently, I've been spending a lot of time on my warrior, getting back into my groove.
My original character (in TBC) was a priest. I wanted a class that could heal at 80, because those are always in demand. Around level 68, the Guild told me "You are our shadow priest." WTF. I actually wanted to heal, while some other people in the guild either whined about/sucked at healing. So, despite my Primal Mooncloth Robe (which still sits in my bank as a grim reminder), I rolled shadow and became an expert at it (getting up to about 900 DPS as shadow in TBC was hard).
We had some issues with tanking, so I power leveled a warrior in order to tank. Meatgazer, my Tauren Warrior, was my pride and joy.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago